Wednesday 12 September 2012

A little about ME~~

      Hi, this is my first time blogging and now I'm trying to tell you all a bit about me~~
Hmmmm... I'm HOMESICK!!!! Hahaha... Guess it's because I'm leaving my family so long for the first time.. Coming to the 'Land Below The Wind', I felt anxious but happy at the same time.

    Before I left the airport, I hugged both of my parents tightly telling them I will be independent and there is no need to worry about me. I can tell my parents are proud of me when I called and told them everything's fine here (of coz la, youngest in family wad. xD ) as I can do my own laundry and so on~~ But seriously, it's tough at first >.<. However, I'm sure I can handle it and will get used to my daily routine... SLOWLY~ =P. Feeling grateful at the moment for I have 3 caring and lovely roommates (2 chinese and a malay with all studying diff courses, haha) ~~ And of course all my coursemates!! I feel less lonely and happier.. Hehe...  

    So, tutorial on the first day > woke up at 5am and queued up for about 1 hour and 10 mins to get on a bus ( the queue was like... SO LONG! ) . This was how I got MY FIRST LESSON, never ever wake up late or u're gonna end up walking for 40 mins under the hot sun! Like what the old folks say "RISE AND SHINE, THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM" (this is so true! =) Haha

    Frankly speaking, I was relieved when i got the offer from UMS.. After all, I'm gonna become a teacher (TESL), FINALLY!!! Hahaha... Alright.. My parents were even happier than I was. Lol... I'm sure this 4 years are gonna be tough for not only me but everyone who;s in uni~~ Therefore, I'll try my best not to dissappoint my family and live my life the way I'm supposed to.. Seniors often say "enjoy your life in uni to the fullest" and I'm gonna do that in my own way.. =) .

Years teach us more than books, Berthold Auerbach

So, till then...


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