Tuesday 11 December 2012


Based on the serious gaming, Inside the Haiti Earthquake, I took on the role as an aid worker. From there, I realized that making a wise decision is very important in that situation. A less-considerate decision will cause people to starve and die. The game is really an interesting one as I somehow got to feel how it was like if I were in that situation in real-life. It actually left me wondering, will I really be that calm in making decisions? All in all, I am glad that the place I live in was free from most of the natural disasters.

For the learning activity, I will first play the game with them by choosing the role as aid worker. The clips in the video will be shown to them. Next, I will ask the students to write down what is the one thing that the survivors needed most after the earthquake had struck. It can be water, food, medicine supplies, tent and many more. Next, they will have to list out the usage of that particular thing that they have listed down in point forms. Lastly, they will have to come up with a short paragraph on the points they have written earlier.

After the earthquake had struck Haiti, I think majority of the survivors needed the clean water supply the most. This is because many water sources had been contaminated with dust and bits of concretes from buildings that had collapsed. The clean water will be used for most importantly, drinking and also cleaning wounds. Besides that, formulated milk powder for babies too, need to use clean water and not those contaminated water shown in the video clip earlier. If contaminated water is used, it may cause diarrhea, cholera and other water-infected diseases.

In my opinion, I think the survivors needed the supply of medicines the most. This is due to the fact that, many people were injured during the earthquake. Medicines such as antibiotics and pain killers are somehow the most common type of medicines required. There were also many survivors who needed certain medicines in order to undergo operations. Children for instance, will need more vitamin C and injections to boost or strengthen their immune system as they are more prone to diseases compared to adults.

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